
Best Friend Becomes Surrogate Mother

Best Friend Becomes Surrogate Mother

Two best friends, one shared pregnancy. Photographer Keri Duckett shares the incredible photos of the birth of baby Josie, after one best friend made the incredible offer to serve as a surrogate for the other. Josie’s mom tells us the incredible and touching story behind the birth.

For Texas-based mom Tamara*, the journey to motherhood was anything but easy. In 2003, after developing severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome (a life-threatening complication of preeclampsia), doctors had to deliver her daughter via emergency cesarean section at just 25 weeks into her pregnancy. She was born a micro-preemie, weighing a mere 1 pound, 4 ounces; Tamara was advised never to pursue another pregnancy, as she was given a 60 percent chance of developing the same complications. For the first two years of her life, Tamara kept her daughter at home much of the time, due to a host of medical problems and issues with her feeding and growth. It was only as of her daughter’s second birthday that Tamara finally started to venture out to meet other moms and give her daughter a chance to meet other kids.

*We’ve used first names only to protect the families’ privacy.

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