
Germ Myths: True or False?

Germ Myths: True or False?

True or False: You have to clean new toys
"They're probably OK," says Chuck Gerba, University of Arizona Professor of microbiology, father to two and grandfather to two. He worries more about shared toys at daycare and on playdates.

What you can do: Wash hands during (and definitely after) playdates but also recognize some of this is out of your control. After all, Gerba points out that "kids under age two put something in their mouths about 81 times per hour. Under five, they do it 50 times an hour." So, chances are, at some point they're going to pick up a playmate's stomach bug. All you can really do to curb infection is keep your child home when he's sick.

True or False: Grocery carts are germ-infested
Gerba has tested grocery carts in some areas of the country and found that "80% had E. coli on them." And it's no wonder: kids poop while they're riding in them, raw meat gets tossed in, and manure-exposed produce from farms fills them. Gerba has also discovered a new area of grocery contamination: the self-service check out counters. "We've found all kinds of fecal bacteria and even MRSA (a dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria) on them," he says. "Apparently no one's cleaning them."

What you can do: Gerba whips out the antibacterial wipes as soon as he enters the store and recommends travelling with your own in case your store doesn't offer them. Wipe down the cart seat and handles (basically, anywhere your kids may touch or -- yuck! --lick). You can also purchase a cart cover that will minimize kid-cart contact. Put all your produce in plastic bags and double-bag your meat products. And don't let your kids "help" at the self-service counters.

True or False: Baby wipes clean hands after a diaper change
Washing with good old soap and water effectively eliminates germs through friction and running water. A quick swipe with a baby wipe is not nearly as effective, says Shu.

What you can do: If you're away from a sink, she recommends putting a little elbow grease into your wiping or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

True or False: Kids in daycare are healthier as they grow older, thanks to early exposure to a lot of different bugs
The jury's out
"The answer is not completely clear," says Mimi Glode, MD, head of pediatric infectious disease at the Children¿s Hospital in Denver, Colorado. A theory called the hygiene hypothesis posits that increasing asthma rates can be blamed, in part, on over- cleaning. "It's still being studied," says Glode who followed children entering kindergarten for six months and recorded how often they missed school for illnesses. Then she looked at what kind of childcare the children had for their first five years of life. "Our theory was that the daycare kids would be healthier, says Glode, "but there was no difference in the groups. I think there are enough viruses out there ready to get you, and I'm not convinced that exposing kids earlier and thinking they will be healthier is going to work out." Adds Shu, "There's no recommendation that says putting your kids in daycare is better."

What you can do: Choose whatever childcare situation is best for your family. "It's not an issue that should determine how you raise your kids," says Shu.

True or False: When you're sick, your breastmilk will keep your baby from catching your cold
While it's true that your breastmilk will eventually contain antibodies to the bug you've got and those will help protect your child in the long run, it takes awhile for those antibodies to develop, says Glode. In the meantime, you're holding your child close during breastfeeding and exposing him to your germs, and since "most common viruses, have a short incubation period," there's a chance he will get sick.

What you can do: Don't worry about it and keep snuggling. There's no way to avoid a lot of mom-baby contact when you've got a little one (and who would want to?).

Source : http://www.parenting.com/Gallery/Cleanliness-Myths-Fact-Or-Fiction

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