Teaching Kids About Martin Luther King, Jr.
You know Martin Luther King, Jr. was a famous civil rights leader, but do your curious kids want to know more? Impress your kids with these fun facts, plus tips for talking to your kids about race:
Five facts about Martin Luther King, Jr.: Your guide to who he was and what he did, plus watch a stirring clip from his "I Have a Dream" speech.
Talking to kids about racism: 5 pointers for approaching this delicate topic with your kids.
"I can't have my daughters thinking they are invisible:" Blogger and author Denene Millner on how she helps her daughters understand and appreciate their heritage in a world that doesn't.
Are your kids curious about Martin Luther King, Jr.? How are they learning about him? Tell us in the comments.
Source : http://www.parenting.com/Blogs/Show-And-Tell/Kate-Parentingcom/Martin-Luther-King-Jr