My Period 2 Weeks Late And Im Bleeding Now Whats Going On?
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I had sex 2 days before my cycle was suppose to come. i waited and waited for it come it never did. i start gaining pregnancy symptoms day by day one day it was nausea then the next sore breast then craving etc. but on the 11th of may i saw some pinkish brownish blood and i got scared cause i was convinced i was pregnant. my older sisters had periods at the beginning of their pregnancies could this just be one of those? Or is this spotting? Its not heavy like my normal period but i cramp like my normal period. is this normal? Am i having a miscariage or what is it? Somebody please help me?
If you had sex just 2 days before your expected period it's not likely that you are pregnant. But, since menstrual cycles can vary, you should take a pregnancy test just to be sure.
You can take a pregnancy test as soon as you miss your period, or 1-2 weeks after you have sex. By that point you should be able to get a reliable result.
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