
The Sickening Reason This Old Navy Ad Created Controversy Online

The Sickening Reason This Old Navy Ad Created Controversy Online

The Short of It

Seriously? People are upset with Old Navy for featuring an interracial family in a new ad.

The Lowdown

When clothing retailer Old Navy tweeted an announcement that customers could take 30 percent off their purchases Friday, the company unintentionally sparked racist fury online by including a photo of an interracial family.

"Stop pushing race mixing, you degenerates," tweeted one user, who also called for customers to boycott the retailer. The racist comments only got uglier from there, with some commenters saying the child couldn't possibly belong to the father.

But most comments supported the brand featuring an interracial couple in the ad. "Thank You Old Navy! Interracial families are beautiful and we appreciate the representation!" one supporter tweeted. Many users even shared photos of their own interracial families.

"Stand tall, Old Navy. I might swing by and pick up some flippy flops to applaud you for being bold. Love has no color," another supporter commented.

It's also worth mentioning the racist commenters were attacked on Twitter mercilessly, being called "ignorant" people whom it was hard to believe were actually "part of the human race."

The Upshot

It boggles the mind that in the year 2016, anyone would still make racist comments after seeing a photo of a happy family. I'd much rather stay over in my protective cocoon of not believing these people still exist!

If any silver lining is to emerge from this horrible online attack, I would say it's that so many people stood up for what's right, and many proudly showed off their own happy families. Hopefully, those beautiful images of love are what we remember, not the sickening racist comments.

Source : http://www.parenting.com/News-Break/Sickening-Reason-Old-Navy-Ad-Created-Controversy-Online

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