
Study Connects Newborn Apgar Score to ADHD

Study Connects Newborn Apgar Score to ADHD

Can the risk of ADHD be determined within the first five minutes of a child's life?

That's what a recent Danish study concluded. The Journal of Pediatrics published the study done by researchers at Aarhus University in Denmark, which found that a low Apgar score coincided with an increased risk of ADHD later in life.

The study (link to Reuters article) examined Danish newborns from 1988 to 2001 and determined that an Apgar score of 1 to 4 lead to a 75% greater chance of developing ADHD, while a score of 5 to 6 increased the risk by 63%. This doesn't mean that a low Apgar score causes ADHD, but rather that it can be an early indicator of ADHD, which is not typically diagnosed until grade school.

Read more about ADHD diagnosis, symptoms and treatment in ourADHD Health Guide.

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