
Fun Ways to Teach the Alphabet

Fun Ways to Teach the Alphabet

Give the Classic Song a Tune-up
Keep it from getting boring by singing it quickly or slowly, roaring or whispering it, or hopping on one foot while you say the letters.

Make Your Own Alphabet Book
Snap pictures of simple things in your neighborhood that start with different letters of the alphabet: an anthill for "A," a bird for "B," a car for "C." Assemble the shots into a small photo album--your preschooler will love her one-of-a-kind book.

Play Tag
Use chalk to write the letters in your child's first name on the sidewalk, then challenge her to race to the letter you call out before you tag her. Up the ante by adding the letters in her last name, too.

Do the Twist
Have your child try to form the letters with her body (ones with straight lines, like "X" and "T," make a fairly simple starting point). This is great for two kids to do together, or you can join in yourself.

Declare "Letter C Day"
Bake cookies, color with crayons, read books about cats, and point out the connection between the letter "C" and its sounds. You can explore a different letter together each week.

Play with Your Food
A few cheese sticks, cooked spaghetti, or orange slices can form most letters of the alphabet. And who knows? Seeing her name spelled out in snacks may even tempt a picky eater.

Source : http://www.parenting.com/Article/Fun-Ways-Teach-Alphabet

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