Crafts with Cupcake Liners
Who doesn't love flowers? But this year, we're making a case against arrangements that fade and helping you create some lasting memories with your kids instead. Cupcake liners are the key here: Available in a rainbow of colors and a variety of sizes, they make perfect petals and can be found right in the baking aisle of your grocery store. And these bright buds don't just make for a fun afternoon activity. Teach little ones about colors by showing them how different combinations of liners stacked together create a brand-new hue. Try pairing yellow and blue to make green. No late bloomers here!
Things you'll need:
How to Build a Bloom
1 Push a pipe cleaner through the center of one liner, leaving one inch exposed at the top. Roll the pipe-cleaner tip around itself to create the stamen. Twist the liner around the stamen and dot with glue to secure. Repeat two more times. Insert pipe cleaner into a straw for the stem.
2 Fold one liner horizontally in half, then vertically in half twice (you'll end up with a small cone shape). Round top of cone with scissors to form petals. Decorate with finger paint and let dry. Stack liners, then push pipe cleaner through centers. Roll pipe-cleaner tip around itself to create stamen.
3 Follow steps for Flower 2. Bend pipe-cleaner tip to lie flat, then glue a button to center liner to create stamen (but remember that buttons can be a chooking hazard for children under five). Paint flower edges with glue and dip in glitter.
How to Make a Vase
Handprint It
Use Mod Podge to apply liners to a mason jar. Younger kids can add an extra-special touch by adding their handprint.
Cutout Letters
Older kids will have fun cutting out letters from magazines to spell M-a-m-a.
Love Notes
Cut heart shapes out of construction paper and write sweet messages on them, then place in jar.
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