
Best Sitter Websites

Best Sitter Websites

Price: $30 for three months/ $111 for one year
Best For: Prescreened sitters. An all-mom editorial team vets each applicant and reviews his or her listning every time it's updated.
Other Helpers: None 
Fave Extra: A web security system (not found anywhere else) that monitors activity on the site to protect sitteers and parents.

Price: $45 for three months/ $120 for one year
Best For: Search options. There are many ways to sort sitters: by years of experience, what age kids they're best with, and more.
Other Helpers: Tutors, senior caretakers, and pet sitters
Fave Extra: The Day Care Directory at (you can also include centers in your regular sitter search)

Price: $60 for three months/ $95 for one year
Best For: Number of shoices. This site boasts the most registered sitters, with nearly 200,000 nationwide.
Other Helpers: Tutors, senior careteakers, pet sitters, and house sitters
Fave Extra: Get your office together and save with the corporate childcare program

Interview potential sitters yourself, of course, and check references.

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