Anyone have any suggestions on middle names for the names Savannah or Navaeh ?
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i was going to name my daughter nevaeh karynn however my plans changed.... now my daughter will be named emretta rose but i found that karynn was beautiful for a middle name
my little sister's name is savannah paige and i've always really loved that name. :)
Lee is a plain name but goes good with both Savannah and Naveah, I think. I also thought of Brooke and like Paige as well. I would avoid names that end with the same sound though; that can make it a bit too much I think.
Nevaeh tnes legna......... (Heaven Sent angel) i so love that name or Imanii thats my daughters name Meliyah imanii.....which is First daughter from God!!!! if i have another daughter her name will be Eazyrayiah marie....Due december 17th
I hate the name Nevaeh. Everyone thinks it is so cute. I work in the PICU world as a nurse and I have seen a lot of Nevaeh's roll through the doors. The weirder the name the more messed up the kid. Thats just from my experience. I love the name Savannah. I don't know any nicknames for it though. Maybe Vanna
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